Mayo Maggiore, aka Crap Man, was born and currently resides in Milan, Italy. When he’s not working on his illustrations you can find him tattooing at various shops all over Italy (Kult - Milan, Symbols - Verona, The Black Belt Tattoo - Viareggio, SGB Tattoo - Gorizia, B-Simo Tattoo Factory - Merate), playing guitar with Italian punk rock band, The Manges, or hanging out at home with his wife and cats.

Fun Fact: Mayo is also artist behind some our beloved Trash Lamb logos


Death has always been an inspiration and skulls have a magnetic pull for me. I like the idea of them being inside us and then once we stop living they slowly come out. Drawing these skulls was sort of liberating, there was a kind of physical satisfaction I felt, that round-ish head, some laughing with missing teeth, creepy and comical all at the same time. They each have a different story to tell yet the ending always remains the same… death.

While creating the pieces for this show I was pouring out a lot of dark stuff, it was a much-needed purge of many things weighing heavily in my own head. And along with processing the dark stuff, there was the music aspect to help keep me going. Music is always there for us.

For this exhibition I imagined the skulls revealing themselves with song lyrics that are inside of us too. Not only inside of the skulls of the people who wrote the songs but also inside of all of the people that listen to the songs as well. When I added the lyrics, sometimes it would make the skulls feel darker, sometimes it made them more funny, and sometimes it made them seem wise.

As listeners, we know some of these lyrics by heart and they are with us always to make the world a bit more bearable. Songs are the best stories and they are often able to express more about us than what we can say about ourselves. The visual impact of my little army of skulls aims to be heavy and uplifting at the same time. I hope you enjoy it.